18 inch Wig

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-13x4-20p-5x5-awin-black-bodywave-hd-laceclosurewig-lacefrontwig-long-lowto189-medium-naturalblack-outofstock-top5020%CODE:HD20influence sametiktok style
$91.80 With Code:JESS
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-13x4-4x4-awin-black-kinkycurly-kinkyedge-laceclosurewig-lacefrontwig-long-lowto139-medium-naturalblack-outofstockinfluence samepopular videotiktok style
$78.93 With Code:Winter17
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-13x4-20p-5x5-awin-black-bodywave-hd-laceclosurewig-lacefrontwig-long-lowto189-medium-naturalblack-outofstock-top5020%CODE:HD20influence sametiktok style
$129.48 With Code:Winter17
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$119.83 With Code:Winter17
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-13x4-20p-5x5-awin-black-bodywave-hd-laceclosurewig-lacefrontwig-long-lowto189-medium-naturalblack-outofstock-top50influence sametiktok style
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-13x4-20p-5x5-awin-black-bodywave-hd-laceclosurewig-lacefrontwig-long-lowto189-medium-naturalblack-outofstock-top5020%CODE:HD20influence sametiktok style
$123.67 With Code:Winter17

How Long Is An 18 Inch Wig?

An 18 inch wig is considered a longer length and is one of the most popular choices among wig wearers. This length is usually just below the shoulders and can reach the level of bra straps.

Where Do 18 Inch Extensions Fall?

For most people, 18 inch extensions usually fall just below the shoulders, or about halfway down the back. Again, it depends on the height of the wearer, but this is a relatively common extension length that creates a natural, slender look.

Is 18 Inch Hair Considered Long?

18 inch wigs are considered long wigs and are suitable for both casual and formal occasions. 18 inch wigs are favored for their versatility and can be achieved in a variety of styles such as high buns, braids, and loose waves. They strike a balance between being long enough to look great and being easy to wear on a daily basis.

What Is The Most Popular Wig Size?

In terms of length, 18 to 22 inches is one of the most popular choices because they offer a long, full look without sacrificing volume for everyday wear and special occasions.

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