• What Is A Fake Scalp Lace Wig?

    A fake scalp lace wig is a wig with a skin-like layer (made of silk or similar material) pre-sewn underneath the lace. This layer mimics the appearance of the natural scalp without the need for additional customization such as wig caps or bleach knots.

  • What Are The Benefits Of A Fake Scalp Lace Wig?

    Natural look: mimics the look of the real scalp. Low maintenance: no additional customization required. Saves time: prefabricated design simplifies the installation process. Comfortable to wear: no need for a separate wig cap.

  • Can The Fake Scalp Be Removed?

    Some fake scalp lace wigs allow the removal of the fake scalp layer while others are permanently attached. Always check the product details before purchasing to make sure it suits your preferences.

  • Do I Still Need To Bleach The Knot On The Wig?

    No. The fake scalp layer hides the knots and does not need to be bleached. However, if the knots are very visible, some minor adjustments may still be needed.

  • Can The Fake Scalp Lace Wig Be Separated At Will?

    It depends on the type of lace and separation area: Full lace wigs or 13x6/13x4 lace wigs: a wide range of partings are available. Closed wigs (4x4, 5x5): limited to closed sizes.

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